Brain Institute

People like you help OHSU improve brain health through life-changing new treatments and breakthrough research.

 The best in brain care, powered by discovery

The brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body. Containing 100 billion nerve cells that “talk” to each other through 100 trillion connections, it does more than govern our movements and emotions—it literally defines who we are as individuals.  

That’s why diseases and injuries that strike the brain are so devastating. Understanding and discovering treatments for these complex issues is the greatest challenge in biomedical science—and the ultimate goal of the OHSU Brain Institute.

With the help of donors like you, OHSU has strategically invested in exceptional neuroscientists and in a research infrastructure that stands among the best in the nation.  

Today, a number of newly recruited scientific leaders are teaming up with OHSU’s existing world-class faculty to explore the brain in ways few other institutions can. Their combined expertise and ingenuity is shedding new light on several facets of brain science and bringing the promise of lifelong brain health within reach. With your help, they’re ready to take these efforts to the next level.

Your gift makes a difference. Please support the OHSU Brain Institute's work with a gift today!

Help UNLOCK $10,000 for Parkinson's care and research!
10 gifts of $10 or more to any OHSU Brain Institute fund UNLOCKS $10,000 for the OHSU Parkinson Center. Generously provided by George and Donna Mareina.
10 Gift Goal
Starts in
Early Bird Challenge on May 20 and May 21
Get into Give Day Early! Earn extra dollars for your favorite impact area! The top three funds that receive the greatest number of gifts before midnight on May 21 will earn $500 (1st), $300 (2nd) and $200 (3rd). Generously provided by Peter and Suzanne Thompson.
Department (10)
YOU + 2 Ambassador Challenge
When you make a gift and get two others to make gifts,* you'll also be eligible for an opportunity to designate extra funds to your favorite impact area at OHSU and OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital. Two ambassadors will be chosen at random to designate $500 to the fund of their choosing. * Donations must come through the ambassador’s unique Give Day link to qualify.
OHSU Go Bag for New Donors
First-time donors who give $50 total or more will receive an OHSU Go Bag (while supplies last)!
Attention OR South Coasters! DOUBLE your support for OHSU!
ONLY for current and former Oregon South Coast residents! DOUBLE your support with a gift of $10 or more for OHSU, including the Knight Cancer Institute and Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. Anyone with a South Coast connection is eligible.
Gifts by Schools and Degrees Leaderboard
Which school and degree is in the lead with the most gifts?
School/Degree (10)
Dollars Raised by Impact Area Leaderboard
Which Impact Area is in the lead with the most money raised?
Impact Area (10)
Gifts by Impact Area Leaderboard
Which Impact Area is in the lead with the most gifts?
Impact Area (10)
New Donor Opportunity
Two first-time donors will be chosen at random to designate $500 to their favorite OHSU impact area? If you're a new donor, it could be you!
Dollars Raised by Schools and Degrees Leaderboard
Which school and degree is in the lead with the most money raised?
School/degree (10)
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at [email protected].