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School of Public Health

Support tomorrow’s health care leaders

At the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health, we know that the decisions society makes today about how we organize ourselves, our resources, our risks and our opportunities will determine the public’s health for generations. It is in this larger context that other important factors such as community programs, access to health services and individual behaviors can have a positive effect. That knowledge and belief drives our work in helping to educate the public health leaders of tomorrow — and of today.

Scholarships are the best tools available to help ensure a health care education is within reach for every student, regardless of their financial situation.

Why scholarships matter

Scholarships and direct student support are made possible through your generous help. Your donations will help OHSU:

Attract and retain the best and brightest students

  • The availability of financial aid often plays a big part in an applicant’s choice of public health school. Scholarships enable OHSU to recognize talent and merit, attracting a more diverse student community, and supporting exceptional students who could otherwise not afford to enroll here. 

Reduce the burden of student loans

  • As recent graduates enter the workforce, most OHSU grads will carry a daunting debt load. That can be a significant barrier for a graduate who dreams of practicing in a small, rural community or inner city clinic where the earning potential is far less. Scholarships make is possible for more OHSU graduates to go where Oregon needs them the most.

 Meet Oregon’s changing needs

  • Oregon’s population has grown dramatically over the years, both in size and diversity. At the same time, a surge in retirements is driving severe shortages of health care professionals. We must not just replace those providers we have lost – but expand the pool considerably – with graduates who possess a passion to serve in communities across Oregon and whose backgrounds mirror the profile of our state’s changing population.

Your generous support makes a difference for students and for the future of health. Please make a gift today!

School and Degree Donors Leaderboard
Which school and degree is in the lead with the most donors?
If you're an alum, please select the School and degree with which you most closely identify
Rank Answer Donors
1 Medicine - MD 33
2 Dentistry - DMD 20
3 Medicine - Masters 19
4 Nursing - BS 15
5 Medicine - PhD 14
6 Nursing - Masters/Cert 8
7 Medicine - Residency 4
8 Dentistry - BS 2
9 Dentistry - Graduate Program 1
10 Public Health - Masters 1
Dollars Raised by Impact Area Leaderboard
Which Impact Area is in the lead with the most money raised?
Rank Department Raised
1 Doernbecher Children's Hospital $61,658.00
2 Knight Cancer Institute $32,727.00
3 School of Medicine $25,190.00
4 Casey Eye Institute $22,840.00
5 Brain Institute $21,430.00
Donors by Impact Area Leaderboard
Which Impact Area is in the lead with the most donors?
Rank Department Donors
1 Doernbecher Children's Hospital 179
2 Knight Cancer Institute 104
3 School of Medicine 104
4 Brain Institute 46
5 Other Areas of Support 42
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