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Knight Cardiovascular Institute

Support the Knight Cardiovascular Institute

The clinicians and scientists at the OHSU Knight Cardiovascular Institute are here for one fundamental purpose: to turn the tables on the world’s leading cause of death. Together, and with generous support from people like you, the OHSU Knight Cardiovascular Institute is leading a new revolution in cardiovascular medicine.

Let’s take heart disease out of circulation

This revolution will shift the focus of cardiology away from the treatment of advanced disease and toward the preservation of health and vitality of life. The goal: detect heart disease earlier, treat it faster and prevent it from happening in the first place.

Leading-edge research to heal the heart

Cardiovascular research at OHSU aims to tackle some of the most urgent medical issues of our time, including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and other cardiovascular diseases. 

OHSU's mission is to save the lives of patients at every stage of the lifespan through new and better diagnostics and treatments. 

Your gift makes a difference. Please support the OHSU Knight Cardiovascular Institute's work with a gift today!

Impact Area Gifts Leaderboard
Which Impact Area is in the lead with the most gifts?
Rank Impact Area Gifts
1 Support OHSU 176
2 Doernbecher Children's Hospital 133
3 Knight Cancer Institute 82
4 School of Medicine 55
5 School of Nursing 25
School and Degree Gifts Leaderboard
Which school and degree is in the lead with the most number of gifts?
If you're an alum, please select the School and degree with which you most closely identify
Rank Answer Gifts
1 Medicine - MD 25
2 Nursing - BS 11
3 Dentistry - DMD 9
4 Nursing - Masters/Cert 5
5 Public Health - Masters 3
6 Nursing - PhD 2
7 Dentistry - Graduate Program 2
8 Medicine - PhD 1
Donors by Gift Leaderboard
Who is leading the day with the most gifts?
What is your affiliation with OHSU?
Rank Answer Gifts
1 Friend 162
2 Patient 125
3 Employee 91
4 Multiple affiliations 72
5 Alum 51
6 Student 2
Impact Area Dollars Raised Leaderboard
Which Impact Area is in the lead with the most dollars raised?
Rank Impact Area Raised
1 Knight Cancer Institute $44,910.00
2 Support OHSU $43,315.00
3 Doernbecher Children's Hospital $21,445.00
4 School of Medicine $8,175.00
5 School of Dentistry $7,650.00
School and Degree Dollars Leaderboard
Which school and degree is in the lead with the most dollars raised?
If you're an alum, please select the School and degree with which you most closely identify
Rank Answer Amount
1 Medicine - MD $5,920.00
2 Dentistry - Graduate Program $5,100.00
3 Dentistry - DMD $4,250.00
4 Nursing - Masters/Cert $1,425.00
5 Nursing - BS $1,250.00
6 Public Health - Masters $175.00
7 Nursing - PhD $125.00
8 Medicine - PhD $50.00
Donors by Dollar Leaderboard
Who is leading the day with the most dollars raised?
What is your affiliation with OHSU?
Rank Answer Amount
1 Friend $54,455.00
2 Patient $26,630.00
3 Multiple affiliations $24,467.00
4 Alum $17,825.00
5 Employee $10,600.00
6 Student $725.00
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